Life Meets Art

Inside the Homes of the World's Most Creative People

Gebundenes Buch
Seitenanzahl: 304 S., 275 farbige Illustr.
Format: 3.5 x 30 x 26.2
ISBN/EAN: 9781838661311
49,95 €
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In den Warenkorb
An inspiring collection of the extraordinary private spaces of 250 of the world's most creative people, past and present Life Meets Art is an unparalleled behind-the-scenes tour of some of the most fascinating, inspirational and unique home interiors in the world. The living spaces of hundreds of the globe's most talented people in the spheres of art, design, fashion, literature, music, and film, here provide inspiration for anyone fascinated by stylish living, creative interior design and the myriad possibilities for home decor. It's a fascinating glimpse into the homes of some of the greatest creatives in history painters, sculptors, novelists, poets, fashion designers, composers, musicians, architects, and more.


Sam Lubell has written eight books about architecture, including California Captured and two travel guides to mid-century modern architecture in the USA, all from Phaidon. He is a contributing editor at The Architect's Newspaper and writes for the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, The Atlantic, Architectural Record, Architectural Review, and other publications.

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