Permanent Record

How One Man Exposed the Truth about Government Spying and Digital Security, Young Readers Edition

Gebundenes Buch
Seitenanzahl: 256 S.
Format: 2.3 x 23.5 x 16
ISBN/EAN: 9781250767912
19,90 €
(inkl. MwSt.)

lieferbar innerhalb 3 - 5 Tagen

In den Warenkorb
In 2013, Edward Snowden shocked the world when he revealed that the United States government was secretly building a system of mass surveillance with the ability to gaze into the private lives of every person on earth. Now the man who risked everything to expose the truth about government spying details how he helped build that system, what motivated him to try to bring it down, and how young people can strive to protect their privacy in the digital age.

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